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20th Century Limited (2015) Board Game

20th Century Limited is a board game released in 2015, designed by James M. Davis. The game is set in the early 20th century and revolves around building train routes to earn the most points. With a focus on economic strategy and network building, players must compete to create the most efficient transportation system.

Game Components of 20th Century Limited

  • Game board
  • Train cards
  • Destination cards
  • Money tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup 20th Century Limited

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the train cards and deal a starting hand to each player.
  • Shuffle the destination cards and place them face down.
  • Give each player a starting amount of money tokens.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns selecting train cards and building routes to connect different cities on the game board. By completing routes and delivering passengers, players earn points. The game ends when the train cards run out, and the player with the most points wins.

    Player Experience


  • Strategic gameplay that rewards planning and foresight
  • Engaging theme with historical ties to the 20th-century railroad system
  • Easy to learn rules with depth for experienced gamers
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction can lead to minimal engagement
  • Luck of the draw with train cards can heavily influence outcomes
  • Game length may feel repetitive after multiple plays
  • Personal Thoughts on 20th Century Limited

    Overall, 20th Century Limited is a solid economic strategy game with a unique theme. While the game mechanics are well-balanced and the artwork is well-done, the lack of player interaction can make it feel somewhat solitary. The game’s pricing and availability in the market may vary, but for fans of train-themed games or economic strategy games, it is worth considering. However, players looking for a more dynamic and social gaming experience may want to skip this title.

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