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18Chesapeake (2020) Board Game

18Chesapeake is a board game released in 2020 by designer Scott Petersen. It falls under the categories of Economic, Trains, and Transportation, offering players a strategic and immersive gaming experience centered around building and managing railway networks in the 19th century Chesapeake region of the United States.

Game Components of 18Chesapeake:

  • Hexagon Grid Board
  • 180 Train Cards
  • Money Tokens
  • Stock Certificates
  • Company Charters
  • Share Price Markers
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup 18Chesapeake:

  • Lay out the hexagon grid board.
  • Sort the Train Cards by type and shuffle them.
  • Distribute money tokens and stock certificates to each player.
  • Select starting companies and distribute company charters.
  • Set share price markers and determine starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective:

    In 18Chesapeake, players take on the role of investors and company owners, competing to build the most profitable railway network. The game features auction/bidding, market, network and route building, and ownership mechanics. The objective is to strategically invest in companies, expand railways, and maximize profits to become the most successful player.

    Player Experience:


  • Deep strategic gameplay that rewards careful planning and decision-making.
  • Realistic economic simulation that challenges players to think like railway tycoons.
  • Engaging player interaction through auctions and stock trading.
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players due to complex rules and mechanics.
  • Lengthy gameplay sessions may not appeal to casual gamers or those seeking quick entertainment.
  • Personal Thoughts on 18Chesapeake:

    18Chesapeake offers a rich and immersive gaming experience for enthusiasts of economic and railway-themed board games. The game’s build quality is top-notch, with detailed components and a visually appealing design. While the game may not be suitable for casual players or those seeking a quick gaming session, it is worth the time and investment for serious gamers looking for a challenging and rewarding strategic experience. Overall, 18Chesapeake is recommended for players who enjoy deep strategy games and are willing to invest the time to master its complex mechanics.

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