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冷たい彼女が目覚める前に (Embalming Girl) (2020) Board Game

“冷たい彼女が目覚める前に” (Embalming Girl) is a card game released in 2020 by the publisher こっち屋 (Kocchiya). Designed by ゆお (Yuo) and featuring art by うすくち (Usukuchi), this game falls under the categories of Horror and Murder/Mystery, with a focus on deduction and semi-cooperative gameplay.

Game Components of 冷たい彼女が目覚める前に (Embalming Girl)

The game includes a set of cards with various characters and items, as well as tokens for tracking progress and clues. The artwork on the cards is beautifully done and adds to the eerie atmosphere of the game.

How To Setup 冷たい彼女が目覚める前に (Embalming Girl)

To set up the game, each player is dealt a character card and a hand of item cards. The remaining cards are shuffled and placed in the center of the table. Tokens are distributed for tracking clues and progress. The game is now ready to begin.

Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

In “冷たい彼女が目覚める前に” (Embalming Girl), players take on the roles of characters trying to solve a murder mystery. Through deduction and cooperation, players must work together to uncover clues and identify the murderer before time runs out. The game features a unique semi-cooperative mechanic, where players must balance working together to solve the mystery while also trying to outsmart each other to claim victory.

Player Experience


  • Engaging deduction mechanics keep players on their toes
  • Beautifully illustrated cards enhance the immersive experience
  • Semi-cooperative gameplay adds a strategic layer to the game
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability due to fixed scenarios
  • Rules can be a bit complex for new players
  • Personal Thoughts on 冷たい彼女が目覚める前に (Embalming Girl)

    “冷たい彼女が目覚める前に” (Embalming Girl) offers a unique spin on the murder mystery genre with its semi-cooperative gameplay and eerie atmosphere. The game’s build quality is excellent, with high-quality cards and components. While the game may not be for everyone due to its horror theme, fans of deduction games will likely enjoy the challenge it presents. The pricing and availability of the game may vary, but it is worth checking out for those looking for something different in the board game market.

    In conclusion, “冷たい彼女が目覚める前に” (Embalming Girl) is a game that offers a thrilling and immersive experience for players who enjoy deduction and mystery-solving games. While it may not be suitable for all audiences, those who appreciate the genre will find it worth their time. Players looking for a fresh take on the murder mystery theme should definitely give this game a try.

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